A.I. Versus Everybody

Artificial Intelligence. The simple mention of the term sends shivers down the spines of those who speak it. With computers continuously using more sophisticated algorithms to solve more complex problems, the twisted nightmare of people losing their livelihoods to metallic machines and stacks of silicon chips seems like more of a possible reality than we have ever faced in all human history. The future is not all gloom and doom, however. Although fears are elevated over the change that it will bring, artificial intelligence has just as much ability to build an idyllic future as a dystopian one if early adopters learn how to make the best use of it.

They'll Take Our Jobs!

When we think of artificial intelligence as it exists today, it’s easy to have some trepidation about the emerging technology. After all, companies like Tesla, Waymo, and Nuro stand poised to alter the way the transportation, truck, and taxi industries are run forever. Their automated driving technology will no doubt cause a significant impact reducing the need for truck and taxi drivers. However, it’s impact on the transportation industry could be positive overall. Where drivers may be taken out of truck cabins, adjacent transportation jobs could expand. A whole new sector of work could grow up in it’s stead. Jobs monitoring road conditions and managing traffic flow using software that integrates with city infrastructure could be very profitable careers that could offer a greater degree of safety and quality of life than the jobs they replace. In the same way, accountants had to adjust to the obsolescence of the abacus when the calculator was invented, the transportation industry will evolve to solve new challenges of navigating freight and cargo across the country.

Mechanization like this is just the beginning. As A.I. advances, more jobs are at risk of automation. Industries like data management and analysis must be especially wary of A.I. as the industry's developments may affect it. The need for programmers with a strong literacy in coding may be softening in favor of more vital cross-functional communication skills. Even some jobs in food service could change under the rise of A.I. For example, the Nala Restaurant in Naperville, Illinois, is home to the world's first fully automated robotic chef. This multi-cuisine machine uses machine learning to cook recipes with exacting precision. Other companies like Moley have similar options that they hope to bring to the home market soon.

People Need People

Initially, it may seem like companies could end up automating the whole world out of their jobs, but the realities of the situation are much less dower. The truth of the situation is that humans need other humans. As much as artificial intelligence has advanced, the need for a human voice with a human attached to it will never go away. Human skills such as creativity, problem-solving, advanced communication skills, and emotional intelligence will always be in high demand. After all, what use is a "culturally authentic" restaurant run by a culturally agnostic machine?

The exciting thing about A.I. is that it has the potential to allow people the opportunity to be more human than they have ever been before. Automation can free humans from repetitive and mundane tasks, allowing them to focus on more meaningful and fulfilling work. As a result, more people can indulge in things they are genuinely passionate about instead of jobs that may be lucrative career paths but offer their practitioners no real joy, increasing job satisfaction, productivity, and the value of work that machines cannot replicate.

Can't We All Just Get Along?

Recent advancements of A.I. also open new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. With the help of A.I., entrepreneurs can create new products and services that were previously too expensive or too difficult for one person to develop on their own. For example, companies like Hugging Face and OpenAI have created A.I. language models that can be used to build chatbots and virtual assistants that handle customer intake calls and logistics. These tools can help businesses save time and money by automating customer service and support.

In healthcare, A.I. could revolutionize the way doctors diagnose and treat their patients. Machine learning algorithms can analyze larger amounts of medical data, such as electronic health records and medical imaging, to identify patterns and predict a patient's health. This can lead to earlier diagnosis, more precise prescriptions, and more effective treatment plans, improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs.

The Future is Bright

As the impact of A.I. continues to reverberate across various industries and cause disruptions in the job market, it also presents a plethora of opportunities for innovation, entrepreneurship, and more fulfilling work. In this rapidly-evolving business world, Core Group Resources can provide invaluable support to help navigate the changes brought on by emerging technologies. With their expert solutions, they can help businesses in renewable energy, engineering, finance, healthcare, aerospace, and emerging technology to stay ahead of the curve. The key to unlocking the full potential of A.I. is for individuals and organizations to embrace it and adapt to the new challenges it brings. By working together, humans and machines can build a better world and a far more fruitful future.


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