Core Group Resources has an extensive understanding of the current crewing landscape and ensures that every candidate we recommend is matched with a reputable ship or offshore rig that meets their specific needs.
Looking for a job on a ship or offshore rig?
Working offshore is a unique and exciting career that allows you to work globally in some of the most stunning locations. Whether working onboard luxury cruise ships or with oil and gas workers, adventurous seafarers can experience a job like no other. At Core Group Resources, we find the best talent to fill the positions in demand by ship careers; this is down to our experience with large-scale recruitment and insider knowledge of the market.
We understand the industry and ensure that every candidate we recommend is matched with a reputable employer that meets their needs. We match candidates based on education and skills. CGR's recruitment team makes matching candidates with employers their top priority. They can do this because they understand the current ship crewing and offshore oil rig careers industry. They are your main point of contact and will inform you of the available career opportunities.
Ship Crewing is massive in terms of numbers and the type of careers. Core Group Resources has experience filling all positions within ship careers and will guide you through recruitment. Everyone has a trade, from medical to engine rooms to accommodation jobs and catering. Candidates are matched with employers based on education, experience, and certifications.
Employers often visit us for welders, oilers, deckhands, and Captains, to name a few. Jobs range from long-term positions to short-term job opportunities. CGR specializes in maritime placements and offers both contract and permanent employment options. Core Group Resources makes it easy for candidates to find the right job. We filter potential positions with the one that fits your needs and leverage our industry knowledge to update you on industry trends. We assess your skill levels and match you with a company that meets your requirements.

At Core Group Resources, we understand the importance of quickly filling top positions aboard commercial vessels. As a full-service marine recruitment company, our maritime specialists conduct job searches all over the globe to find exactly who you're looking for.
We register your openings in our database and then work hard to match candidates with your job and shipboard requirements (i.e., who you will hire). After that, we assign a dedicated recruiter and account manager to the role who works closely with both parties between interview phases to ensure your needs will be met.
Core Group Resources will guide you to success whether you're looking for a single position to ship crew or a multiple-role career that can lead beyond the seas. Our experienced team and multi-industry platforms offer flexible career opportunities and personal growth potential that will take you to the next level of your new career in ship careers.
Join the worldwide maritime crewing community at CGR and land jobs at reputable ships and offshore rigs that best fit your needs. We have specialized recruiters who are focused on guiding you through the entire recruitment process, from application to a job offer. If you want to know more about what goes into being a crew member aboard one of these vessels or where your career could take you, please contact us today.