Productivity in the Workplace


Do you have trouble staying productive at work?

If so, you are not alone. Staying productive is something that most people struggle with and its all about the mindset. In order to stay productive, you need to stay sharp. Just like an axe for example, if you sharpen the blade, it will be more efficient. There are many components to staying productive at work, these are just a few.

1.       Keep out distractions

2.       Make a well modeled to-do list

3.       Refuel your body

Keeping distractions away is NOT easy, our phones are constantly trying to pull us in. Whether it is social media, friends, co-workers, the news, etc. it only takes a second to get distracted by something or someone, but it takes several minutes to refocus and pick up where you left of. Try and surround yourself with productive people and make time for mental breaks. Shut the door to your office if you need to keep people from distracting you when you need to be super focused on something. Also, time flies when you’re working hard!!

There are many ways to plan your tasks out, my personal favorite Is the 1-3-5 method. This helps you determine which tasks are more important than others and which are more urgent. It is very simple, you tell yourself each day you are going to at least do this.

The 1-3-5 Method: 1 big thing, 3 medium things, & 5 little things

Write them down! Of course, this is always something you can rearrange. Some days are full of meetings and some days you get notice of something that requires you to drop everything you are doing and work on something else. This method is just to keep you on track during the day. Sometimes its easy to get caught up doing a bunch of little tasks throughout the day and forgetting to take care of more important things. Try it out and check them off as you go, I think you will be surprised how much you can actually get done.


Healthy eating, sleeping well, and exercise!

While it is easier said than done, taking care of your self is very important when it comes to efficient work habits. Lack of sleep will affect your concentration, decision-making, and memory. All of which are very important for a successful day at work. Eating healthy will give your body the energy your brain needs to stay alert. Its proven hard to concentrate on an empty stomach. Exercise is the other crucial part of being healthy and helps with productivity. Personally, I will take a 5-minute break most days and go for a little walk. Sometimes it just helps to get away from the desk and get some fresh air. Every time I return to my desk, I feel rejuvenated!

The most efficient people are not geniuses, but they have found strategies to beat procrastination and you can too! Give some of these things a try and see how much easier the workday can go!

By Megan Shuman


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