Staffing for Growth in the LNG Market

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The volatility in 2020 was not good for the global energy market, including the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) market. Gas prices were already on a downward trend relative to a 2014 high, but the pandemic reduced overall demand even further. At the current low prices, there is still much opportunity for growth in this market. Market analysts predict a steady increase in demand over the next 30 years. With projects ramping up to meet this demand, there are personnel needs that arise. Here are some key steps to preparing for sustained growth in a competitive market.


Keep your Workforce Thriving

To attract great talent, your company needs to be a place people want to work. That means taking care of the people you already have.

Many elements of the energy industry, including the LNG industry, operate on a project-to-project structure. Whether that is construction of new facilities, pipeline, drilling, etc., a PTP structure usually provides a significant payout but short-term focus. Project based organizations typically lack the stability of other industries. This makes it particularly difficult to retain top talent for sustained periods of time. Companies that want to see sustained growth along with the LNG market, should maintain competitive salaries, but also use non-monetary benefits that increase company loyalty and employee satisfaction.

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Build a pipeline of talent

This one seems like a no-brainer, but in today’s job market, experienced and entry-level talent can be hard to find. Try some creative solutions to build a talent pool that go beyond job positing and job boards. Conferences can be a great place not only to network for business development, but also promote your growing business among a target-rich environment and attract more experienced players. Depending on the scale of your business and projects you are working on, it might be useful to contact trade schools and colleges directly for entry-level staff. Starting an internship / training program can also be a low-cost way of evaluating future employees while also incorporating them into your company’s culture.


Get the support you need

During booming periods of growth, it can be difficult for companies’ HR teams to keep up with their recruiting needs. This is especially true when there are many contractors involved (and a global pandemic) as well as high priority middle/upper management vacancies as well. In house recruiters can be strained for time, and often only focus on the inbound applications, not proactive candidate sourcing. Finding trusted agencies to assist with targeted recruiting efforts and contractor outsourcing can be a considerable value add and time saver for a company.

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If you have a LNG project that needs some extra recruiting or contracting support, connect with us.

Some of our core competencies include:

  • Civil Engineers

  • Project Managers

  • Electricians

  • Pipefitters

  • Design Engineers

  • Crane Operators

  • Riggers

  • Welders

  • Safety Coordinators

  • MEP Engineers

  • And many more.


Productivity in the Workplace


WEBINAR: Values Recruiting