Improving Lives Through Career Transition

By Morris Arnold - Core Group Resources Director of Recruiting

Changes Ahead

Career transition can be a difficult time in our lives. Whether it be an involuntary firing, company layoff, or an anticipated move, changing jobs is a time filled with many complicated emotions. Some job seekers come to us looking for a change after they have worked at a company or industry 10-20 even 30-plus years, and have no idea how to navigate the next season in their careers.

I remember a time when I was laid off from a job. It was an extremely sensitive and vulnerable time for me. We understand that many job seekers come to us in a desperate situation, and like I was, they are vulnerable. Maybe they have just been laid off and need to feed their families, or they need to relocate due to a family emergency. In our industry, it can be easy to get someone in a job just to fill a seat, but is that really the best place for the job seeker? Is it a quick fix, or will this truly change this person’s life and their family’s life for the better over time?

Core Group Resources is a partner you can trust to put your interests first.

I have had tough conversations in which I have advised a job seeker to turn down an offer because we knew this would not be in their best interest in the long run and the best interest of their families. Likewise, I have told clients that they should pass on a potential employee they would otherwise hire because we did not believe this job seeker was the best fit for their organization. This is never easy to do, but for us at Core Group Resource, it is not just about filling a position, checking the box, and cashing a check.

In the new digital world, you can go to 1,000 different places to find a job. Some of these places, you don’t even talk to actual humans, thanks to the internet. Core Group Resources is not that kind of place. We are not in the business of filling roles without human interaction. We are invested in our job seekers and put their interests first. We will never put a job seeker into a position that we do not feel is a better situation for themselves and their family. This goes for our clients as well; we would never put a job seeker in front of a client that we did not believe would bring value to that business. We know that relationships matter, and for a relationship to work, there must be the right connection.

To truly ‘improve lives through career transition,’ we must have a genuine relationship. That is the goal of every one of our job seekers and clients. We are not just connecting people to jobs; we are connecting people to their destinies.

Here at Core Group Resources, we are committed to “Improving Lives Through Career Transition.” We are absolutely determined to place every single job seeker who comes to us into a better situation than they are currently in. This is not just an empty statement. To us, it is a true Core Value.


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